me and angel

me and angel
Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tiefs and Taxes

Couldn't resist this one. We have actually been robbed twice in one month! Most of you know by now that on Saturday March 20th, around three a.m., we were robbed. Though we live in a house that is encased in locked bars (Jamaicans call it a "grilled" house), a burglar slipped through a six inch opening on our front porch while we slept, and made off with about $750 worth of our stuff. This included my purse, my husband's phone, our camera, and my laptop computer. Fortunately, we were in our room and there was no altercation involved. Another blessing was that we had Cletis'es school computer in the bedroom with us, or it would have been gone too. We awoke on Saturday morning to find the window open and all of our belongings that could fit through that small six inch gap gone. It was a sinking feeling to say the least. Robbery is common in Jamaica so it was not a complete shock to us that it happened. Though these things are missed, they are just that....THINGS. You would think that to be enough, right? Believe it or not, we were robbed again today on April 8th while sitting in our daughter and son-in-laws home in Orlando, Florida. This time we lost over $2,000 of cold, hard earned cash! So much for the safety and security of the USA, huh?! To beat it all, it was a relative that took it from us. His name is UNCLE SAM! After much wrangling, crunching numbers, and profuse sweating, our federal taxes show we owe over $2000 because we have to declare all that outfit and passage money spent on vehicles we bought for our use in Jamaica as income. Our own uncle doesn't even care that we had a little over $15,000 of medical expenses this past year. I have never seen an uncle seem so calloused and cold towards our predicament. So, yes my friend. We have been robbed twice in one month. Once by a "tief" (Jamaicans don't put that "h" in there when they say thief) and once by our very own uncle. I don't know about you but I say it is time to say "ENOUGH" to this coldhearted man we call "UNCLE SAM". Old Sam I am, you are a vicious old man...with your way high tax, red ink in hand. We left it all for another land, you still come tiefing old Sam I am. We've had enough....we see your scam....we won't re-elect Old Sam I am!

This is just another rambling of one tired Jamerican.....SELAH!

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