I'm not sure if I've ever told you, but I am the worship leader at our sweet little church here in Montego Bay. Funny thing is, I never really pictured myself doing this. Actually, I pictured myself singing alto in a Southern gospel group. >sigh> (I fear neither my voice or hair is big enough for that) Truth is, when you plant a church it's all hands on deck. I suspect I am not the only one who has stepped out of her comfort zone and into God's assignment.
Tonight we worked on two new songs: Everlasting God, and I Exalt Thee. It was new to everyone in my little worship team, except me. I had to sit as we rehearsed because the pain in my left leg and foot was so severe. But, I was so excited about these two songs. As we attempted to blend our voices it happened. The Holy Spirit just gripped my tattered heart and squeezed it so hard that the tears poured out. Just me, this broken vessel, has the privilege to exalt my heavenly Savior, the creator of the universe. The scripture is found in Psalm 97:9...."For thou O Lord art high above all the earth. Thou art exalted far above all gods."
Father, I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, O Lord.
Sometimes it just takes being flat on your back so you can look up....LOOK UP....and exalt the Everlasting God. He will not faint and He won't grow weary.
This is just the rambling of one very tired...but oh so blessed Jamerican....SELAH!
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