me and angel

me and angel
Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not

Thursday, December 31, 2009


Dontcha love it when you get "Godsmacked"? I woke up today with one of my nasty migraines and really struggled through the day. I decided to relay my calamity via facebook...I guess misery loves company?? My post evoked several sweet comments from friends who assured me of their love and prayers. One was from one of my very dear friends from high school/youth group days who just found out he has cancer. He assured me of his love and prayers too and reminded me to be encouraged that God was taking good care of me. He related that he felt bad for me because though he was dealing with cancer, at least he is in no pain. I WAS GODSMACKED! Sometimes we feel so hopeless and then God reminds us that we are not alone and that as bad as it may seem right now for us...there is always someone else who has it so much worse. Thanks Doyle for helping me to get my eyes off myself...I love you and I am praying for you. Just the ramblings of one tired Jamerican...SELAH!!

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